How do I access my work from home?
You can connect from anywhere using ssh to access your class files and continue to work on the labs. Anything you do from the terminal in the classroom should also work when connecting with ssh, and the files will be the same.
On a system with a bash terminal (any Mac, any Linux, or Windows 10 Anniversary Update with bash), simply open the terminal and type the command:
Windows XP/7/8/10: If you don't have bash or ssh already, simply download PuTTY to install the small ssh client program.
Here is what PuTTY looks like when you launch it:

After you connect, PuTTY will ask you for username and password.
If you are using the terminal on Mac, Linux, or bash (including git-bash, cygwin, or ubuntu) on Windows 10, you will type the ssh command like this (note the command typed on the top line):

Note: The very first time you connect via ssh, you will be asked if you want to accept a key fingerprint (or continue connecting if the fingerprint is unknown). This is due to how ssh security works, and if you say "yes" the first time this should not come up again.